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SCR 2024 Aggregate Results
SCR Success Stories:
“Milani went from reading 54 words a minute to 82 within the last couple of days. Now she knows how to sound out words.”
“At the beginning of camp Kendra understood the elements of a story 35% of the time. Now she is at 100%.”
“Edison's oral reading fluency was 6 at the beginning of the program and he progressed to 16 words per minute on the final test.”
"Marshae started off knowing nine sounds. She now knows fifteen and is making progress with sight words."
"The first week Antwan’s reading and comprehension scores were 35% and 45% accuracy. By the third week his scores were 85% and 95%."
"Titus doubled his reading fluency from 42 words per minute to 83 words per minute!"
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